Social media analysis

Generating insights by mining online conversations in public social media

Unexpected opportunities emerge from a bottom-up understanding of online conversations

The posts and opinions that consumers and organizations publicly share online are a gold mine of information for anyone who seeks to understand conversations, narratives, and trending topics.

Our users mine social media data using Dcipher Analytics to understand how consumers feel about their brands and those of competitors, identify trending topics and emerging phenomena, map the discussions around topics of interest, and measure the impact of campaigns.

Major social media platforms and a large number of smaller sources are supported.

With Dcipher Analytics, seeing the world through the eyes of consumers has never been easier

  • Online conversations & narratives: What stories are people telling about a topic, product, or brand?
  • Trends & emerging opportunities: What are the emerging topics and trends that bring new opportunities to brands?
  • Products & brands: What are people saying about specific products and brands and is your brand positioned in the minds of online audiences?
  • Pains & needs: What are consumers complaining about, what needs emerge from the online discussions, and how can you connect to them?
  • Influencers: Who are driving and influencing the conversations in your area of interest and what are they saying?

Unlike traditional social listening techniques, the Dcipher Analytics approach is keyword-independent, handles with contextual ambiguity, and is able to identify the ”unknown unknowns” – surprising trends and narratives one would not have thought of looking for.

How our customers have benefited

  • Tapping into consumer narratives for marketing

    IKEA's marketing department was looking for new opportunities for connecting with consumers. They were specifically interested in the positive moments and rituals that consumers experience in their homes. Using Dcipher Analytics to mine a large number of stories shared by consumers online, they identified a set of archetypal narratives that capture these positive moments. Marketing concepts were developed around the identified narratives.

  • Viewing destinations from the eyes of travelers

    The European Travel Commission wanted to understand outbound travelers from China, Russia, and Brazil. Instead of using time-consuming and expensive traditional survey techniques, they opted for social media mining of online travel posts. This approach allowed them to spot consumer phenomena bottom-up, without being limited or biased by a priori assumptions. The insights were used to help member organizations develop more relevant offerings toward the Chinese, Russian, and Brazilian travel markets.

  • Understanding online conversations among consumers

    A European jewelry brand, looking for ways to make its marketing resonate better with its female consumers, decided to tap into insights from online conversations about beauty and well-being. To do that, the brand turned to Dcipher Analytics' tools for social media analysis. This allowed it to swiftly map out the content of countless conversations taking place across various social media platforms. The brand's analysts could effortlessly get an overview over key themes in the beauty and wellbeing domain as well as which sentiments tended to surround them. Dcipher Analytics' tools also unveiled which topics were currently gaining traction and identified who the most influential voices within the field were. Armed with these insights, the brand was prepared to tailor its messaging, create more targeted campaigns, and ultimately establish a more meaningful connection with its consumers.