Dcipher Studio

A SaaS solution that perfects human-computer collaboration for augmented text analytics

Next-generation text analytics

Dcipher Studio is the world's leading SaaS platform for gaining value from unstructured text. Whether you want to process and extract insights from your text data or build a text analytics pipeline that can be automated and deployed, you have come to the right place. You can download news and social media data directly into Dcipher Studio, or upload your own PDFs, Word documents, pure text files, or JSON/CSV/Excel datasets.


A faster and more intuitive approach

All the data sources, algorithms and AI tools you need in one place. Interact with data through an intuitive visual interface to prep, explore, enrich, and build models faster than ever before.

    All in one place
    All in one place
    Mix and match 1000+ data sources and access the world’s most powerful machine learning tools – all in one place.
    Visual and intuitive
    Visual and intuitive
    Trigger complex operations through simple user interactions and iterate quickly using visual analytics.
    At scale, with speed
    At scale, with speed
    Leverage distributed and fully parallelized computing in the cloud to optimize for datasets of all sizes.

Harnessing the power of natural language processing, deep learning, and visual analytics to extract value from text

Comprehensive data import options

Import data from a range of file formats, or one of the most extensive social/news media archives on the internet. Segment, extract and score text units by relevance.

Interactive exploration

Let topics and associations emerge bottom-up and visualize relationships within the data. Iterate with the help of immediate visual feedback. Use document landscapes and token networks to find meaning in large document collections.

Parallelized computation

Speed up the process by leveraging computing that is distributed and fully parallelized in the cloud. Scale up to the number of cores you need to get the job done as fast as you want.

Smart data prep

Merge flat or nested datasets. Standardize inconsistent date formats and use fuzzy matching to merge similar texts. Choose among a number of data cleaning options and resolve ambiguities through visual context filtering.

The best of NLP

Enrich your data through world-class sentiment, emotion, entity, category, stance and subjectivity detection models. Find language-independent document and word embeddings using neural networks to capture contextual similarities in your data.

Efficient modeling

Train text classifiers through an iterative technique using a combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Save and run your models on unannotated data.

Flexible data structure

Leverage Dcipher's flexible, nested data structure which incorporates the output of operations. Use data on different levels of the hierarchy without the need for transforming or keeping track of relations between datasets.

Trend & burst analysis

Detect trends and sudden bursts in your data. Identify topics with high momentum and visualize their evolution over time. Forecast future trends using the latest machine learning techniques.

EffAutomation & deployment

Build automated workflows and apply your models and operation pipelines on data in streams or batches. Access through Dcipher APIs for use in external applications and dashboards.

For more information

Experience Dcipher Studio